Intex has launched Intex Staari 10 smartphone at a budget-friendly price of Rs 5999. Touted as Snapdeal exclusive, the Intex Staari 10 includes a wide range of security software suites such as lost phone tracker and SOS panic button including Amazon Prime Video, SwiftKey keyboard, and Data Bank. As part of the launch offer, Jio users will be eligible to avail a cashback of Rs 2200.
The Intex Staari 10 is equipped with a 5.2-inch HD IPS Shatterproof display with a standard 16:9 aspect ratio. Under the hood, the Staari 10 features a MediaTek MT6737 processor, 3GB RAM, 32GB expandable internal storage loaded with Android 7.0 Nougat platform. The device contains nano dual-SIM slots. Hence, you can’t use the handset with microSIM cards. A 2800mAh battery pumps the required power.
The rear side features a 13MP sensor with LED Flash, while the front-facing camera offers a 5MP sensor paired with LED Flash. The camera also provides support for face detection, HDR, geo-tagging and face beautification.
In addition to 4G VoLTE, the Intex Staari 10 provides support for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, FM Radio, GPS, A-GPS including a traditional headphone port. The phone also includes a fingerprint sensor and other standard sensors such as accelerometer and ambient light.
Priced at Rs 5999, the Intex Staari 10 will be available in Black, Champagne, and Blue color variants. Snapdeal is also offering discounts and cashbacks via Axis Bank, HSBC, and HDFC debit and credit cards.