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Google Maps Dark Theme Coming to Android Soon

Google Maps Dark Theme Coming to Android Soon
  • PublishedFebruary 24, 2021

Google Maps Dark Theme will soon hit your Android devices. Google Maps will soon be updated with a dark theme. The company sources revealed the availability of the Google Maps Dark theme on Android. However, we don’t have any information as to when Google will roll out the new feature. The rollout of Dark theme for Google Maps assumes importance with India venturing out to create its own mapping app named MapMyIndia in association with ISRO.

Google has integrated pill-shaped lookup field, search suggestions via carousel, bottom bar including the option to switch back to the light gray. The current tab can be identified by a soft blue color. he darkest shade is exclusively reserved for the underlying map layer/background when zoomed in. You will find that the streets and names are lighter. Moreover, pins and icons have been adjusted in such a way that it fits the screen. The Dark theme will provide your eyes the much-needed break and also saves considerable battery life.

The Google Maps Dark theme was first noticed in September as part of server-side testing. However, the dark theme has now disappeared ahead of the official launch. You can also manage the dark theme by navigating to Settings | Theme. You can select any one of the options such as Always in light theme, Always in dark theme and Same as device theme.

Google will most likely roll out the dark theme to all Android users before the end of Q1 2021. We don’t have any confirmation regarding the availability of the dark theme for the iOS platform. That being said, the monopoly of Google Maps will soon end with MayMyIndia going to take over the Indian Geospatial segment. The company has tied up with ISRO to bring accurate mapping of the Indian region without compromising safety and security of the country.

Written By
Anand Narayanaswamy

Anand Narayanaswamy is the founder of Android Rules and is an active blogger and social media influencer. Anand had contributed several articles for various publishers across the world. He is also an active contributor to a popular India-based technology magazine. He also works as a social media influencer for various popular brands. Anand can be reached at netans@gmail.com

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