LG has rolled out Android 9 Pie update for the LG G7 ThinQ smartphone. The Android 9 Pie update is currently available only for customers based in South Korea. It’s common that the company initially release fresh updates only for users based in the home country followed by other regions across the world.
Upon inspection of the changelog, the Android 9 Pie update for the LG G7 ThinQ provides support or gesture navigation including battery optimization functionalities. The update also brings in dual apps support, which enables you to make use of multiple apps simultaneously.
The camera sensor has been refreshed with Magic Photo, which helps you to animate a specific part of an image. Interestingly, the Magic Photo feature has been borrowed from LG V40 smartphone. The update also includes improvements to security and SD card encryption. You will be able to manage folder access and Wi-Fi permissions for apps.
If you are located in South Korea and using LG G7 ThinQ smartphone, you should check for the presence of the update. You will view a message notification indicating the availability of the update. Alternatively, you can verify the presence of the update by tapping the Settings menu. Before proceeding to download the update, you should activate Wi-Fi and charge the device up to 95 percent to avoid interruption.