Panasonic has announced the launch of the Panasonic P90 smartphone in Gold, Blue and Black color variants at Rs 5999. The main drawback of the Panasonic P90 is the addition of a 1GB RAM, which is low when compared to other budget smartphones.
The Panasonic P90 features a 5-inch HD 2.5D curved glass display, MediaTek MT6737 processor, 1GB RAM coupled with 16GB internal storage. The screen is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass, which helps you to prevent scratches. You will be able to extend the storage up to 128GB.
The rear side offers a 5MP camera sensor, while the front-facing camera features a 5MP sensor supported with an LED Flash. The camera app has been refreshed with several modes such as beauty mode, panorama mode, and zero shutter delay.
The phone is loaded with Android Nougat, which is a disappointment because we expected Android Oreo. The handset also offers smart action and smart gestures functionality.
In addition to 4G VoLTE, the Panasonic P90 provides support for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and micro USB port including all standard sensors. The smartphone gets the required power via the integrated 2400mAh battery.