Coolpad has announced the launch of the Coolpad Note 6 in India. The main attraction of the Coolpad Note 6 is the integration of a dual selfie camera. The device will be available in all the offline retail stores across Delhi NCR, Haryana, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra in grey and Gold color variants. We don’t have any information as to whether the handset will be available outside the above-mentioned cities.
On the specifications front, the Coolpad Note 6 is equipped with a 5.5-inch FHD display, Snapdragon 435 processor, Adreno 505 graphics, 4GB RAM coupled with both 32GB and 64GB expandable internal storage capacities. It is possible to extend the storage up to 128GB.
The rear side features dual camera sensors comprising of 8MP and 5MP capacities, while the rear side offers a 13MP sensor with a six-piece lens. The rear camera features a 120-degree wide-angle lens. The device is pre-loaded with Android 7.1 Nougat on top of a customized UI.
Powered by a 4070mAh battery, the Coolpad Note 6 provides support for 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, A-GPS including standard sensors. The phone is capable of delivering a standby time of over 350 hours upon a single charge. While the 32GB model is priced at Rs 8999, the 64GB model will cost Rs 9999.